
John Titor & Ardon Krep

I've already repeatedly read in your internet about a "John Titor". Some report on him: "Was he here or perhaps wasn't he ?", "Did his forecasts take place ?", etc. When I'd read the concerning texts, I actually understood whom you ment.

In reality the man is called John Smith and not Titor. He was born 1998 in Florida and is the first man who traveles back in time. He is an American and works for the Army of my time period.

Many of his forecasts didn't take place, because as he already said, with each time journey a variance of 1-2% arises and thus the events of both time-lines differ easily but increasingly. By the use of gravity sensors one can guarantee to land in the own present again, but unfortunately not that one lands in the accurate past and/or future. I for example, back-traveled 2045 and the focused July 2nd, 2007. By the temporal variance, which is caused by the time transfer field, I could have arrived sometime between February 13th, 2007 and November 17th, 2007. The further one travels in time, the more inaccurately becomes the goal time.

Nevertheless the Third World War began not in the spring 2015, but in the summer 2014. This difference isn't caused by the variance, but by the different view of the war. For John only the happenings in the US were important, therefore the war began 2015, indirectly with the Second Civil War 2012, and officially with the bombardment of America by Russia. The war actually began before this in the Near East, then turned into Europe and then came to America. And that at my time the former Russia is the most important trade partner of the US, is also not completely correct. Unrests between 2012 and 2014 were for the 14 to 16 year old John logically coining, therefore he later prevaricated some statements.

I personally know Mr. Smith quite well. He is a quite nice 47 year old man, but for my taste a little bit too religious.

If you know John, Ardon Krep might also be a term. Ardon Krep is really called so and is likewise time traveler. He was sent back last year, 2044. He is also an American and works likewise for the Army. Actually he should collect data about your time, and with given time he should save important documents of American history into future. The order was expanded by him, so he followed a few personal activities.

I will rather keep my name for me, but however I can say that I was born 2017 in Bavaria. The "civilian" training program for time travelers began with me in 2043. I am thus no soldier, but a civilian observer. And I also don't know any European Chrononauts, who's in the Army.

How many Chrononauts there are in your present, so 2000-2014, can't be said without difficulty, but there might be about five until 2045. That means that including me, five Chronolauts have traveled-back in time between 2035 and 2045 into the time period of 1975-2012. How many from later time periods there are, I can't say with the best will, but I am sure that "some" are there.

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