The US extended at the beginning of the 21st century their supremacy in West Asia, Southeast Asia and Northeast Africa further. But starting from 1990 more and more of the American "colonies" turned away from the US or at least against them. First only the Iraq and Afganistan fall away, later in addition, Japan and South Korea.
Japan and South Korea became swallowed by China, the Near East States destroyed themselves. During these small revolutions more and more allied revolted against the US. The US didn't want to loose their status as world-leader by "annoying mosquitos".
One drastic law after the other was passed and the citizens in their own country slowly became prisoners of the state. Also abroad one heard more frequently about the excessive reactions of the US.
2012 after the stock exchange fall of December, 21st a secret martial law established. The US became a police and military state. Gradually the rural population revolted more and more against the law enforcement forces in the cities. Road battles and general unrests become the agenda. America is at the Second Civil War.
In the summer of 2013 the Army then marches into Ontario and Alberta, later also into Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Allegedly to protect Canada against a forthcoming invasion. Actually it was only about supplying the down American economy with new goods and food.
In the summer of 2014, when Russia rolls over Eastern Europe and into Germany, North America Americans fight against Americans and Canadians against Americans. When the UN asks the US for assistance in Europe, these refuse sending troops and instead start their nuclear weapons against Russia. In response the Russians sent their remaining atomic rockets to North America. The area around the Great Lakes is hit several times, the remainders of the North American industry nearly completely destroyed.
In February 2015 the Russians then try to seize Alaska and infiltrate the US by elite soldiers. The attempt fails, since the Canadians and Americans defeat the common enemy groups.
After the war the US are a revaged country and strongly dependent on their military. The relations with Canada are still strained at my time. And the political structures in the US changed noticeably.
Five larger USs developed. Each America votes its own president and separately a vice-president.
There is still a state capital of all Americas, in which the common government has its seat, but this is now in Omaha, Nebraska.
Alaska is its own state with good relations to Canada.
The entire system was strongly decentralized.
There is still a state capital of all Americas, in which the common government has its seat, but this is now in Omaha, Nebraska.
Alaska is its own state with good relations to Canada.
The entire system was strongly decentralized.
At my time the Americans are again on the technological conditions of 1990. Besides the Americans became clearly more environmentally conscious and still more religiously like 50 years before, thus at about 1995. Despite everything they still travel to space, still use atomic reactors and send just like the EC Chrononauts into past.
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