
Russia and the EURASEC

Once it was called the Russian Czardom, then USSR, later GUS and Russian Federation and afterwards EURASEC. Russia already had many names, but the intentions didn't change over the centuries. The absolute claim to power in Eurasia was always the driving force, of the people that originate from the wikings.

What came over the Russians that they machinated the large war, we do not really know at my time yet. As the most frequent reason control of raw materials is stated. It concerned however not only the oil and gas, which are so important at your time, but also around coal, uranium, thorium and wood.

After Russia had recovered from the depression after the cold war at the end of the Aughts, it began to arm again. The KGB, which had attached good contacts to the military in the past, wins ever more power about the Russian military.

Control of the asian oil fields should be recovered. And soon also the oil fields in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia again became interesting for Russia. Because old Russian plans planned already before the First World War a Russian rule in the so-called "center of the world". These plans should be carried out now.

When at 2014 the Near East began to rub out itself nearly completely, Russia took the chance and started its broad invasion.

First the Russian troops came over central Asia and the Caukasus to Iran and Iraq. When they could not take the oil fields, they continued to trek into Turkey. There were the first heavy battles between the Eurasec and NATO.

During this the first storm troops came to Finland, rolled over the country and then came over the north of Sweden. In Sweden there were likewise heavy battles between Sweden and Russian.

The Russian armored units, which had been deployed before in Turkey, continued to trek to Greece and to Belgrade. From Belgrade the troops divided and penetrated Romania, Hungary and Slovenia.

When in July 2014 the civil war in Italy reaches its climax, the Russians engage there. They only come until Neapel and then were pushed into defense by NATO.

During its urge three larger armored units come over Belarus and over Poland to Germany, the Ruhr district is their goal.

The upper troop wedge runs parallel to the Baltic and North Sea Coast, over Gdansk, connects with the Russian troops, who come from Scandinavia and are steering to the Netherlands.

The middle wedge steers directly to the Ruhr district and the lower wedge runs out of Czechia, north the Danube towards Lyons.

A confinement around the alps does not succeed, but they ignite several atom bombs over the Adria and the North Sea, in order to sink the NATO ships stationed there.

Nevertheless the Russians more and more are pushed into defense and flee in the direction of Moscow. The strategic nuclear weapons stationed in Czechia were ignited by them. Since then Prague is no more found on maps and Czechia is at my time still a restricted area.

In the spring of 2015 the Russians then start their last attack. They send elite troops over the Bering Sea to Alaska and try to penetrate the US. In the course of the attack the Russians bombard the US with their last nuclear weapons. Mainly the hail of bombs comes down on the region of the Great Lakes.

As retaliation the Americans send over two dozen neutron bombs to Russia and extinguish thereby a majority of the Russian cities.

By the war and after the war Russia changed clearly. At my time Russia is the area around the ruins of old Moscow and the rural regions therefore. Russia borders in the east, with the Ural on Siberia, in the north on the Republics of Karelia and Komi, in the west on the Baltic states, Belarus and the Ukraine, and in the south on Jugocaucasia and Kazakhstan.

Russia has neither its own administration still another capital. 30 years after the war it still isn't allowed to instruct a Army and the majority of the country is durably occupied by Asiatic and European troops. The largest part of the occupation troops consists of Chinese, Germans, Kazakhs and Finns. Sense of the occupation is the disputed "gentle extermination", i.e. the Russians aren't allowed to have more then one child per family and they are also not allowed to spread outside of Russia.

Thus its seems, as if there would be no more Russian people and country at the turn of the century. What will happen to the devastated and radioactively contaminated country is incalculable, but the remaining Russians, whom won't be there anymore, will most likely exactly like the Jews and Gypsies 50 years before, become a homeless and inadvertent people.


Huge Country

Alaska is a splitted country, both at your time and at mine. Already to your time some oil fields in the north polar circle were found, but after the large war larger occurrences were discovered. At my time Canada, Alaska, Norway and Iceland profit at most by the new oil fields. New navigation routes lead through the Bering Strait, pass Iceland and go towards EEC, China and the US.

Alaska plays a large role in the oil economy, a much larger role at my time than at your time. According to the large war, Alaska separated from the USA, since it did not feel sufficient supported by the US, when Russian elite troops attacked the country in the spring 2015. Briefly after the establishment of the Americas, Alaska became its own State of, the "Free state of Alaska".

After Russia had disintegrated and Siberia became independent, parts of East Siberia split off and followed thereafter Alaska. That means that Alaska, Tschukotka and Kamtschatka represent, since the end of the war a loose alliance. Long time, about 25 years long, an active technology and economic trade took place between both sides of the Bering Strait. Both sides earned at slowly rising traffic through the Bering Strait. Oil tankers and container ships crossed the new navigation road ever more frequently. The new route represents a clearly shorter connection between China and the EEC or China and the US.

Alaska is in my time a bilingual state, one speaks there English and Russian. And the North American part of Alaska maintains good relations to Canada. Briefly before my departure Alaska and the former Far East of Russia signed the combination contract and formed since then "Larger Alaska". Larger Alaska and Canada form since a short time an economic union and have besides oil and agriculture also the wood industry as largest mainstays.

Beside the centralasiatic states, the SPEU (Subpolar Economy union) thereby represents the largest foreign raw material supplier of the world. Thus who buys at my time in the EEC or in China oil or wood, can be safe that the majority of it comes from the SPEU.


An Empire falls apart

After the British Empire the USA became the next world-wide empire. Later China replaced the USA at this role and "controlled" at my time Asia, the pacific states and Europe, indirectly in addition, East Africa and the west of South America.

The US extended at the beginning of the 21st century their supremacy in West Asia, Southeast Asia and Northeast Africa further. But starting from 1990 more and more of the American "colonies" turned away from the US or at least against them. First only the Iraq and Afganistan fall away, later in addition, Japan and South Korea.

Japan and South Korea became swallowed by China, the Near East States destroyed themselves. During these small revolutions more and more allied revolted against the US. The US didn't want to loose their status as world-leader by "annoying mosquitos".

One drastic law after the other was passed and the citizens in their own country slowly became prisoners of the state. Also abroad one heard more frequently about the excessive reactions of the US.

2012 after the stock exchange fall of December, 21st a secret martial law established. The US became a police and military state. Gradually the rural population revolted more and more against the law enforcement forces in the cities. Road battles and general unrests become the agenda. America is at the Second Civil War.

In the summer of 2013 the Army then marches into Ontario and Alberta, later also into Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Allegedly to protect Canada against a forthcoming invasion. Actually it was only about supplying the down American economy with new goods and food.

In the summer of 2014, when Russia rolls over Eastern Europe and into Germany, North America Americans fight against Americans and Canadians against Americans. When the UN asks the US for assistance in Europe, these refuse sending troops and instead start their nuclear weapons against Russia. In response the Russians sent their remaining atomic rockets to North America. The area around the Great Lakes is hit several times, the remainders of the North American industry nearly completely destroyed.

In February 2015 the Russians then try to seize Alaska and infiltrate the US by elite soldiers. The attempt fails, since the Canadians and Americans defeat the common enemy groups.

After the war the US are a revaged country and strongly dependent on their military. The relations with Canada are still strained at my time. And the political structures in the US changed noticeably.

Five larger USs developed. Each America votes its own president and separately a vice-president.

There is still a state capital of all Americas, in which the common government has its seat, but this is now in Omaha, Nebraska.

Alaska is its own state with good relations to Canada.

The entire system was strongly decentralized.

At my time the Americans are again on the technological conditions of 1990. Besides the Americans became clearly more environmentally conscious and still more religiously like 50 years before, thus at about 1995. Despite everything they still travel to space, still use atomic reactors and send just like the EC Chrononauts into past.



I noticed that today still very many users work with Windows, Microsoft Office and Google. That will quite fast change starting from January 2013.

Some of you already use today Linux and in my time Linux is nearly only used. Better said, we use the 128-Bit-Successors of Linux: Base (Baseix) and Tux (Tuxix)

Base is related to your Gentoo and is mainly used on large computers, firm computers and larger networks. Tux is comparable with a mixture of SUSE and the surface of your Mac OS X. It is the main operating system for private users and small networks.

Also the Office solution of my time is not any more from Microsoft, it's an open source product. Our input modes improved however. Many use Touchboards and phonetic input, just at a few applications the keyboard is anymore used. We have no more "Mice", what for do we have boards ?

The internet is a case for itself. In your internet most takes place at the surface and not in the actual depth of the net. Our net is mainly a three-dimensional simulation where are several two-dimensional levels embedded. The majority uses the Browser Holo, likewise an open source product. Holo offers the entire spectrum of possibilities, to get access to the internet. Many in your time use also Google, without realizing, who all have there fingers in the pie. In my time the internet is usually scanned on the basis. Who wants to use a search machine, uses Yahoo.

Why nearly everyone of the American giants turned away, has simple reasons.

December 21st, 2012 a small atomic explosive device is ignited before the coast of Manhattan, which completely destroys Manhattan and thus also the Dow Jones.

Thereupon AMEX and CME fall into soil and with them various American companies.

In the years after the war neither Microsoft nor Google can recover and disappear again after altogether 45 and/or 20 years.

The successors of the today's open source programs then close the originated gap.

Despite there are still some nostalgic ones, which still use Windows 7 and reorganize it quasi regularly. Even it not completely offers the possibilities, that should actually be there, and that it is also not based on UNIX, it is nevertheless not very difficult to control. Anyhow it resembles your Mac OS X and still runs on our computers.

Energy for all

Much of you don't want to admit it yet, but already in the next years you will get large problems with the oil. About 2010 the oil reserves of the Americans will become scarce and approximately at the same time the Russians will turn of the oil and gas tap to Europe more and more. The first two years everything will be hushed up, but when at the end of 2012 the Dow Jones broke down, the first ones begin to realize what will come.

The Russians run at the beginning of the war over the southcentralasiatic states, take fast the Muslim countries Iran, Iraq, Syria and the northeast of Saudi Arabia. Afterwards their tanks roll also through Turkey. But they couldn't held these conquests, because the largest part of these countries were already destroyed and most sources of oil in the Arab countries became useless. Instead the Chinese took central Asia and Siberia and have at my time the largest reserves of raw materials on the planet.

Despite neither oil nor gas or coal, are the energy sources of my time. Briefly after the war there was nothing different, but excepting the production of metals, ceramic(s), glass and plastics, there is no use for fossil fuels. Depending upon region old or new energy sources were established:

On the country and in thinly settled areas mainly blue and red solar cells deliver the current.

Where still wind-force-, water-power- and tidal-power-stations stand, these are used.

In small cities or into remote localities the first nuclear resonance generators (NRG) and Searls (SEG) are already used.

In large cities, which are at larger rivers or at the sea, the first reactors plants of the second generation are located.

And the old atomic reactors were already replaced in Europe and Asia by new, higher performance types.

Energy is thus at my time, 30 years after the war, no more a good in short supply. Nevertheless waste of energy is considered as crime, who for example consumes more than 20MWh per year and is no company, makes himself chargeable.

So who already sets today on solar cells and other renewable energies, will in 10 years and afterwards more easily get along with the new technologies.

John Titor & Ardon Krep

I've already repeatedly read in your internet about a "John Titor". Some report on him: "Was he here or perhaps wasn't he ?", "Did his forecasts take place ?", etc. When I'd read the concerning texts, I actually understood whom you ment.

In reality the man is called John Smith and not Titor. He was born 1998 in Florida and is the first man who traveles back in time. He is an American and works for the Army of my time period.

Many of his forecasts didn't take place, because as he already said, with each time journey a variance of 1-2% arises and thus the events of both time-lines differ easily but increasingly. By the use of gravity sensors one can guarantee to land in the own present again, but unfortunately not that one lands in the accurate past and/or future. I for example, back-traveled 2045 and the focused July 2nd, 2007. By the temporal variance, which is caused by the time transfer field, I could have arrived sometime between February 13th, 2007 and November 17th, 2007. The further one travels in time, the more inaccurately becomes the goal time.

Nevertheless the Third World War began not in the spring 2015, but in the summer 2014. This difference isn't caused by the variance, but by the different view of the war. For John only the happenings in the US were important, therefore the war began 2015, indirectly with the Second Civil War 2012, and officially with the bombardment of America by Russia. The war actually began before this in the Near East, then turned into Europe and then came to America. And that at my time the former Russia is the most important trade partner of the US, is also not completely correct. Unrests between 2012 and 2014 were for the 14 to 16 year old John logically coining, therefore he later prevaricated some statements.

I personally know Mr. Smith quite well. He is a quite nice 47 year old man, but for my taste a little bit too religious.

If you know John, Ardon Krep might also be a term. Ardon Krep is really called so and is likewise time traveler. He was sent back last year, 2044. He is also an American and works likewise for the Army. Actually he should collect data about your time, and with given time he should save important documents of American history into future. The order was expanded by him, so he followed a few personal activities.

I will rather keep my name for me, but however I can say that I was born 2017 in Bavaria. The "civilian" training program for time travelers began with me in 2043. I am thus no soldier, but a civilian observer. And I also don't know any European Chrononauts, who's in the Army.

How many Chrononauts there are in your present, so 2000-2014, can't be said without difficulty, but there might be about five until 2045. That means that including me, five Chronolauts have traveled-back in time between 2035 and 2045 into the time period of 1975-2012. How many from later time periods there are, I can't say with the best will, but I am sure that "some" are there.

Too Near East

Briefly before the beginning of the war the Near East destroied itself. The events were very turbulent and became evident at that time, when already everything was passed. Therefore I would like to state the pre-war-process in such a way, how I had learned it during my studies.

Since decades Israel has been the focus of many arguments in the Near East. And also at the final war in the Near East, Israel played a central role. The conflicts between Jews and Muslims sharpen themselves in March 2014 around Jerusalem further and further, until Israel, probably by mistake, destroyed the Dome of the Rock. As direct reaction to this nearly all Muslim states allied against Israel and began the final war against the "Heathens". First the Jewish settlements in the border area were destroyed by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Afterwards the Muslim troops pull onwards to Jerusalem.

Israel can't apply sufficient defense and so uses its nuclear weapon arsenal.

First Amman and Zarqua are bombarded: Both cities are nearly completely destroyed, for instance half of the Jordanians die in few minutes.

Afterwards Damascus and the Mediterranean coast of Syria are bombarded: two million Syrians die.

At last Israel bombards Sidon and Zahlé in Lebanon.

As retaliation Lebanon and Syria made use of their chemical weapons. Under guidance of the libanesichen troops, they take north Israel and Haifa. Before they broke in Tel Aviv at night, before this numerous Jewish settlements in central Israel were gased. Most Israeli troops were stationed in Tel Aviv at this time and so the largest part of the Israeli troops got rubbed out by this night. Before the Muslim troops could march into Jerusalem, Israel started its last nuclear weapons.

Jericho, Ramallah and the Latrun area thereupon got completely destroys.

Both sides had fought each other on the blood. And apart from Jerusalem and Beirut the area between the 36. and the 31. Degree of latitude, as well as between the 34. and the 37. Degree of longitude became "No-man's-land". Over 11.5 million humans died in less than one week and a majority of Israel, as well as far parts of the surrounding countries are devastated. Jerusalem remained nearly completely unaffected by the war, up to the destruction of the Dome of the Rock.

In May 2014 Russian troops came over the Caucasus and Turkmenistan and marched into Iran and Iraq. One month long they tried to take the oil fields, failed however, when the Arabs, who had survived the war, set the oil fields on fire. Thereupon the Russian tank and soldier groups continued to pull toward Turkey.

The war was terminated in the Near East and began short time later in Europe.


The run of the happenings

Why "had" the Third World War to break out sometime ?

For the first, it didn't break out, it constructed itself slowly and culminated then in a chaos. Why the inevitable had to occur, is not immediately evident. Therefore I must draw back unfortunately somewhat further.

Between the First and the Second World War, thus in the early Thirtys of the 20th Century, gradually the high industry arose. A country needed no more large colonies and large reservoirs, and the first atomic reactors made, starting from the Sixtys, many countries clearly more independently of coal, oil and gas. The more liberty was developed and the more possibilities for the particular arised for themselves, the faster social problems on global level developed, which before only played a role on national level. Radical movements mixed together suddenly on international level and donated unrest and controversy.

Starting from the end of the Eighties the economy tilted then, without getting noticed by someone. Unemployment rose ever more, since productions of the western countries were continued to automate. The unemployed persons and frustrated minoritys slowly became the majority.

Besides the populations of many states split ever more into arm and realm. The one won even more and the others fell into a hole becoming ever more largely among them by the change. Already at the beginning of the Oughts this polarization got grotesque. And also between the western countries and the third and/or fourth world, the polarization continues to go on. Much companies, which before shifted their production from cost reasons into poorer countries, returned again to their countries and threw the dismissed immigrant workers still more deeply into the poverty.

When Israel, without Jerusalem, and the rest of the Near East mutually terminated themselfs, it didn't take much time until the US invaded Saudi Arabia. Thereupon Al-Qaida ignited a smaller atomic explosive device before the coast of New Yorks, probably in the proximity of the Statue of Liberty. Manhattan was destroyed to a large extent and the Dow Jones was destroyed. The American economy thereupon nearly broke completely done and many national stock exchanges fell into nothing.

When the western world then laid in its last breath, Russia gave the mortal blow. While the Americans occupied the south and the west of Canada, Russia rolled over the Near East. China vogue up to a great power and "swallowed" Mongolia and Taiwan, which before, already ranked on Chinese maps among the territory of China. Later China took also Japan and both Koreas, the ASEAN states and central Asia were placed under its "protection".

When the Russians also invaded Europe, this was the official beginning of the war. In the course of the war Russia again turned into a developing country, the USA was back-thrown about 100 years in the economic development and China became the new superpower of the 21st Century. The EEC needed to recover again some years around itself and is at my time the most important "external" trade partner of China.


New Horizon

Many met the change of the century and the millenium with mixed feelings. They meant: "The world fall is close !" or "All computers will fall !" and so on. But obviously nothing happened. Did the conspiracy theoreticians have injustice and there will be no large depression ?

Unfortunately I have to say you: "Nevertheless, there will be a world fall !" But first, afterwards nothing is really gone, the life continues !

Most thought they would know "completely exact" when it would be time. One said 1999, others 2000, but some lay already at that time closely and said 2012.

The downward spiral actually begins approximately around the year 2012 and ends in the Third World War, 2014-2015. But already now we can see the first signs and harbingers for the approachings.

Again up-blazing tensions between the US and Russia.

A worsening Middle East conflict between Israel and the Muslim neighbours.

Constitutional amendments in the US, in addition also in the European Union.

Accumulating unrests in the western world.

And a constantly increasing brutality in crimes.

Some will now say: "The circumstances became not more badly, the reporting became only more thorough." That is correct on the one hand, but on the other hand one should lead oneself before eyes that most western states are interspersed with a large number of frustrated immigrants. Frustration creates conflicts, these again create force potential and then it's only a question of time, when again riots break out.

But the large war wasn't bad at all: Afterwards nearly everything was simpler. Most states were clearly more homogeneous and because there are less Muslims in the western world, social conficts have removed strongly. In my time period there are still foreigners in Germany and they are also still tolerated, but their number is less than 1%.

After the war there will still be very much poverty and misery, but two years later the upswing already begins. One will then call the years 2017-2029 the "Golden Twenties".


The Near Future

The world will change clearly between 2008 and 2018. You now will ask: "Which are these changes ?"

Some countries, which are still there today, will have disappeared from the map until 2016. And some countries will noticeably look differently.

Russia for example, in my time period no longer exists. At its place a clearly smaller "Russia" stepped that stands under German-Chinese supervision. This occupied Russia is both, smaller by surface and smaller by population.

China is in my time the largest country in the world. It covers today's China, Mongolia, Japan, both Koreas, large parts of Sibiria and parts of Southeast Asia. There live over 2.2 billion humans. My time is thus not to injustice be called "The Asian Century" or "The Chinese Century".

Germany became also larger, at least on the map. Most German-language areas were united: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Trentino South Tyrol, (Luxembourg), the remainders of the Netherlands, the remainders of the Czech Republic and Elsass Lorraine. In Germany live at my time about 38 million humans.

The US looks just as clearly differently. Those formerly 50 Federal States are only more 48 and also no more the "US". From the continental states 5 larger partial states developed, whereby everyone has its own president. Alaska became independent and has at my time good relations with Canada. Hawaii is an own dwarf state exactly the same as Puerto Rico.

The Near East became quasi inexistent: wild, bombed country, hardly humans and no state borders. In my time emigrants from the Near East still emigrate to North Africa, southwest Asia and Turkey.

In addition, also politically the world changed. Earlier alliances were quit, new closed.

The European Union for example, still exists, however it is perfectly differently structured. They didn't continue to work on a uniform state, but there was created more federalism. The European Union is at my time a Confederation, whereby Germany, Great Britain and France are the largest confederates are.

China is like already said, the largest country of the earth and thus also the largest of Asia. Office language in Large China is Mandarin and the main currency is the Yuan. The today's ASEAN states became colonies of China.

The US and Canada are disargued. Mexico and the US likewise. The Canadier still remembers the US-American occupation 2013-2014. And the Mexicans require the free splitting off of the States of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Nevada from the US.

The "The Civilize" of Africa was terminated and the african states again left on themselfs. There are still advancement programs, but white persons still hardly enter to Africa.

In the next years for you large circulations will thus take place. I saw this restructuring not completely, since I was at that time still too young. But my parents to a large extent still told me of it.